“From my own strength” was the slogan of my first flyer when I started my own business in 2001, because I believed and still believe strongly in the potential and resources in each and every one of us. The term “self-efficacy” was not familiar to me at that time. So I was happy to find


When we hear of “self-discipline”, most of us think about having to beat down our weaker self. That is somehow standing behind oneself with a whip and fagellate oneself. The ancient Romans called it “disciplina” and used it to indicate school and military education, as well as “discipline and order” and even “chastisement”. But they


We all know situations in which we find it difficult to address certain issues. Sometimes we hope that things will take care of themselves so that we can somehow get away with our procrastination strategy. As a client once said to me about his boss, “He’s right and I’m at peace.” Often, however, this only


Probably you also talk to yourself more often during the day? I advise clients to record what they say to themselves. And as a rule, criticism predominates, along the lines of: “You’re probably too stupid to…” or “How could you…” or “You’ll never manage that! Now and then, thank God, one or the other also


According to the dictionary, a habit is “an action, attitude or characteristic that has become natural through frequent and constant repetition; something that is often only performed mechanically or unconsciously”. Surely you too have tried to get rid of a habit? The classics are giving up smoking, doing more sport instead of sitting on the


Do you know the encouraging “One – Two – Three – Hop!”? That’s how I help myself out of bed in the morning when getting up is a real pain. I first experienced the power of counting many years ago in an aerobics class at the fitness club. When the trainer announced the 8 beats


Gedanklich und theoretisch können wir alle unheimlich viel bewegen, aber wenn es dann um die Umsetzung geht, bleibt vieles einfach liegen. Jahrzehntelang habe ich mir gesagt: „Wenn ich mal im Ruhestand sein werde, dann kann ich mit dem Klavierspielen anfangen. Irgendwie trieb mich das Gefühl um, dass mir selbstgespielte Musik im Leben fehlt. Als dann
